EnergiHub: platform online sebagai one stop solution yang bertujuan membangun akses informasi dan komunikasi antara calon pelanggan dan penyedia teknologi panel surya.
Transisi energi digerakkan oleh beberapa perubahan-perubahan disruptive. Seperti misalkan desentralisasi dan digitalisasi daripada sistem energi. Perubahan-perubahan disruptive ini membawa peluang dan tantangan yang beberapa wirausaha muda Indonesia menyambutnya. Di sinilah EnergiHub datang dan menjawab tantangan tersebut.
EnergiHub berawal dari keresahan Bima Deniansha, Dery Marsan, Syafwan Hadi terhadap kurangnya pengetahuan akan tren pemanfaatan energi masa depan, terutama bagaimana teknologi panel surya bisa menjadi salah satu solusi energi alternatif yang dapat dijangkau oleh masyarakat. Maka dari itu mereka bertiga membangun EnergiHub: platform online sebagai one stop solution yang bertujuan membangun akses informasi dan komunikasi antara calon pelanggan dan penyedia teknologi panel surya.
EnergiHub berperan memberikan konsultasi, menjelaskan sistem pembayaran dan solusi pembiayaan untuk berbagai macam kategori, mulai dari residensial, pemilik usaha/bisnis, Industri, pertanian, fasilitas umum dengan skala area yang bisa menjangkau sampai ke daerah terpencil. agar masyarakat paham mengenai teknologi panel surya dan bisa mendapatkan produk ini dengan mudah.
EnergiHub memberikan konsultasi, daftar penawaran harga dari berbagai installer dan solusi pembiayaan untuk berbagai kategori seperti residensial, pemilik usaha/bisnis, industri, pertanian, fasilitas umum dan remote area. EnergiHub juga membantu pelanggan menemukan tipe panel surya terbaik sesuai keinginan dan kebutuhan secara mudah, cepat, dan transparan.
Shell LiveWIRE EnergiHUB
Title: EnergiHub
Duration: 1 Minute
EnergiHub approaches the challenge of the energy transition with a modern way. They established an online platform to connect between the prospective vendors and prospective buyers for solar panel installation.
EnergiHub Transcript
00.00 - 00.04
[uplifting background music plays]
[Shell LiveWIRE Intro animated sequence plays, where buildings, windmills, and Shell LiveWIRE logo appear from the bottom after the blank yellow screen displayed]
00.04 - 00.09
[Shell LiveWIRE Intro animated sequence faded out]
[An old, wise man appear]
[Text displayed]
[General Director of PT Shell Indonesia]
{Darwin Silalahi}
"Energy transition is driven by the disruptive changes."
00.09 - 00.19
[Text faded out]
[Camera zoomed out, we see the old, wise man accompanied by a young, bright man beside him]
"I am with Derry from EnergiHub, he will share stories about how they capture the opportunities related to the energy transition."
00.19 - 00.29
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the young, bright man]
[Text Displayed]
{Dery Marsan}
"Actually, this was started from our personal problem. One of our co-founders named Bima, he found the obstacles when he wanted to buy a solar panel system for his own home."
00.29 - 00.36
[camera zoomed out, focusing on both the old and young man]
"It takes so long to find a solar panel system that suits to his needs."
00.36 - 00.45
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the young, bright man]
[A slideshow consists of EnergiHub business model images appear on his left side]
"So, we established the EnergiHub as an online platform to connect between the prospective vendors and prospective buyers for solar panel installation."
00.45 - 00.53
[camera zoomed out, focusing on both the old and young man]
"Since then, we see that solar panel system can be a solution for the citizen as one of the alternative energy sources."
00.53 - 00.58
[Cut to the young bright man facing the camera]
"Support EnergiHub in Shell LiveWIRE 2019."
00.58 - 01.00
[Shell LiveWIRE closing bumper fades in, displaying white screen and Shell Logo in the end]