E-Ecobiogas adalah mesin dan platform tata kelola sampah untuk efisiensi energi dan keberlangsungan ekosistem.
E-Ecobiogas adalah mesin dan platform tata kelola sampah untuk efisiensi energi dan keberlangsungan ekosistem. Bermula dari pengamatan lima pemuda yang terdiri dari Laila Sabrina, Aji Agahari, Fikri Barry Alfian, Yuzar Arigi, dan Ahmad Triyafi bahwa sampah sangat mudah terbentuk dan ada dimana-mana, mulai dari sisa pertanian/peternakan seperti kulit kacang, kotoran ternak, hingga industri makanan dan rumah tangga. Namun di sisi lain, kita juga membutuhkan energi.
Inilah masalah utama yang akan menjadi urusan E-Ecobiogas. Mereka percaya bahwa dengan teknologi yang dibarengi oleh kesadaran keseimbangan dan keberlanjutan ekosistem merupakan kunci multidaya perwujudan kemajuan ekonomi, kemandirian dan kedaulatan sumber daya alam bangsa.
Inspirasi terciptanya E-Ecobiogas adalah saat Laila mengunjungi beberapa daerah di Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur tempat ia menjalani masa kecilnya. Ia melihat perbedaan kualitas kebersihan sungai di daerah-daerah tersebut, dimana dulu begitu bersih, sementara saat ini menjadi kotor dengan sampah organik. Melihat keadaan tersebut, Laila terinspirasi untuk mengolah sampah organik agar dapat dimanfaatkanLaila dan kawan-kawan membentuk dan mengembangkan E-Ecobiogas, yaitu alat pengolah sampah organik pintar semi-otomatis sebagai solusi untuk menghemat dan mengoptimalkan biaya pengolahan sampah sekaligus dapat menggunakan biogas, sehingga ini bisa menjadi penghematan bagi pengguna.
Shell LiveWIRE Indonesia Ecobiogas
Title: Ecobiogas
Duration: 1 Minute
Ecobiogas offers solutions related to waste management and energy conservations by developing a semi-automatic processor to convert organic waste into biogas, which can be monitored directly through mobile phones.
Ecobiogas Transcript
00.00 - 00.04
[uplifting background music plays]
[Shell LiveWIRE Intro animated sequence plays, where buildings, windmills, and Shell LiveWIRE logo appear from the bottom after the blank yellow screen displayed]
00.04 - 00.07
[Shell LiveWIRE Intro animated sequence faded out]
[An old, wise man appear]
[Text displayed]
[General Director of PT Shell Indonesia]
{Darwin Silalahi}
"Management and utilization of the food waste..."
00.07 - 00.09
[Text faded out]
[Camera zoomed out, we see the old, wise man accompanied by a young, bright woman beside him]
"These are the two major problems..."
00.09 - 00.14
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the old, wise man]
"that we have not really understood that they are interrelated."
00.14 - 00.29
[Camera zoomed out, we see the old, wise man accompanied by a young, bright woman beside him]
“Here, I am with Laila from Eco Biogas, she will share stories about how these two issues are intervened and even creating the solutions related to waste management and energy conservations.”
00.29 - 00.32
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the young, bright woman]
[Text Displayed]
{Laila Sabrina}
"When I was a kid, I used to bathe in the river and the water was very clean."
00.32 - 00.37
[camera zoomed out, focusing on both the old man and young woman]
"Then two years ago, I came to the same place, I saw it was very dirty."
00.37 - 00.42
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the young, bright woman]
[A slideshow consists of Ecobiogas business model images appear on his left side]
"Since then, I thought about how to make a solution to process..."
00.42 - 00.44
[camera zoomed out, focusing on both the old man and young woman]
"this organic waste into..."
00.44 - 00.45
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the young, bright woman]
00.45 - 00.46
[camera zoomed out, focusing on both the old and young woman]
"the product..."
00.46 - 00.50
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the young, bright woman]
[A slideshow consists of Ecobiogas prototype images appear on his left side]
"...is a semi-automatic processor to convert organic waste into biogas, which can be monitored directly..."
00.50 - 00.51
[camera zoomed out, focusing on both the old man and young woman]
"...through mobile phones or applications."
00.52 - 00.58
[Cut to the young bright woman facing the camera]
"Support Ecobiogas in Shell LiveWIRE 2019."
00.58 - 01.00
[Shell LiveWIRE closing bumper fades in, displaying white screen and Shell Logo in the end]