Ide AUBITOR muncul dari permasalahan peternak ayam di kota Malang yang kesulitan membeli gas elpiji dan mengelola limbah kotoran ayam milik mereka sendiri.
Ide AUBITOR muncul dari permasalahan peternak ayam di kota Malang yang kesulitan membeli gas elpiji dan mengelola limbah kotoran ayam dari peternakan ayam yang mereka kelola. Peternak-peternak ayam di kota Malang dan banyak kota lainnya juga masih banyak yang belum memanfaatkan limbah kotoran ayam mereka menjadi hal yang lebih berguna.
Beranggotakan Nathan Kumarkono, Patrick Reinhard Mangaba, Addieny Sugesti, dan Akhmad Gusti Ikhwan Karim Fakhrurozi, AUBITOR mempunyai ide bisnis menghadirkan instalasi biogas yang dirancang khusus untuk rumah tangga. Dengan AUBITOR, rumah tangga dapat melakukan penghematan pembelian gas LPG dengan memanfaatkan limbah kotoran ayam dan sampah organik yang pada umumnya hanya dibuang ke TPS. Selain itu, rumah tangga dapat memanfaatkan bioslurry dari produk samping AUBITOR, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi pupuk untuk tanaman untuk berkebun.
AUBITOR dapat dirakit sendiri oleh masyarakat luas karena disediakan buku panduan perakitan. Selain itu, setiap pembelian AUBITOR, pembeli mendapatkan kompor khusus biogas dan starter bakteri methanogen, sehingga AUBITOR dapat langsung dioperasikan. AUBITOR juga dilengkapi dengan sistem sensor pengendali suhu fermentor dan batch purifikasi biogas, sehingga proses produksi biogas dapat dioptimalkan.
Shell LiveWIRE Indonesia Aubitor
Duration: 1 Minute
AUBITOR provides the solution for chicken farmer through an economical and low-cost biogas installation using the chicken's feces.
Aubitor Transcript
00.00 - 00.04
[uplifting background music plays]
[Shell LiveWIRE Intro animated sequence plays, where buildings, windmills, and Shell LiveWIRE logo appear from the bottom after the blank yellow screen displayed]
00.04 - 00.16
[Shell LiveWIRE Intro animated sequence faded out]
[An old, wise man appear]
[Text displayed]
[General Director of PT Shell Indonesia]
{Darwin Silalahi}
"The opportunity for everyone to get the socio-economic benefit from energy is one of the two major challenges from the energy transitions that we need to face together."
00.16 - 00.20
[Text faded out]
[Camera zoomed out, we see the old, wise man accompanied by a young, bright man beside him]
"I am with Nathan from Aubitor..."
00.20 - 00.29
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the old, wise man]
"He will answer this challenge by simultaneously resolving the problem of managing feces from the livestock."
00.29 - 00.36
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the young, bright man]
[Text Displayed]
{Nathan Kumarkono}
"So our background is from chicken farmer's problem in Malang who have difficulty buying LPG gas and managing..."
00.36 - 00.38
[camera zoomed out, focusing on both the old and young man]
"...their own chicken feces."
00.38 - 00.42
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the young, bright man]
"So we provide Aubitor as an economical..."
00.42 - 00.45
[camera zoomed out, focusing on both the old and young man]
"...and low-cost biogas installation…"
00.45 - 00.51
[Camera zoomed in, focuses on the young, bright man]
[A certificate of Aubitor appear on his left side]
"The solution that we provide has an impact on the welfare of chicken farmers..."
00.51 - 00.54
[camera zoomed out, focusing on both the old and young man]
"...and also to the environment."
00.54 - 00.58
[Cut to the young bright man facing the camera]
"Support Aubitor in Shell LiveWIRE 2019."
00.58 - 01.00
[Shell LiveWIRE closing bumper fades in, displaying white screen and Shell Logo in the end]